Inpatient Reimbursement


Rules and regulations of the aG-DRG system

Classifications and catalogs since 2010

Functions of the catalogs

The catalogs are based on the official regulations of the aG-DRG system. Diagnoses in the ICD-10 classification, procedures in the OPS classification, assignment relevancies according to the aG-DRG definition manual as well as DRG detail information and additional fees from the fee per case catalog in interaction enable the essential reimbursement information to be elicited within seconds.


Rules and regulations of the aG-DRG system

  • ICD-10 classifikation
  • OPS classifikation
  • Fee per case catalog and additional fees

Transfers / Migrations

  • ICD-10, OPS and ZE transfers
  • DRG migrations

Interactive links


Proposal procedure

  • Detailed view of ICD-10 and OPS proposals
  • Listing of DRG proposals

General platform functions

  • Historical display of data since 2010 (trend graphs)
  • Numerous filter parameters tailored to specific areas
  • Display of results in various graphs
  • Link to all platform areas
  • incl. export function in all areas
  • Available in German and English
  • Integrated video learning platform for all areas
  • Support from experts at the Reimbursement Institute


The information presented here is based on information from the official regulations of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and the Institute for Hospital Remuneration Systems (InEK).

Specifically, these sources were used:

  • BfArM – Official Classification of Diagnoses (ICD-10)
  • BfArM – Official Classification for Operations and Procedures (OPS)
  • InEK – Fee per case catalog
  • InEK – aG-DRG definition manual